
Tips For Enhancing AngularJS App Performance

Kirthika Selvaraj

February 20, 2024
Table of contents


AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework that is maintained and developed by Google. It offers various useful tools to create and handle front-end web applications. Being one of the widely used web app frameworks, the popularity of AngularJS is getting intensified after the introduction of the recent version, AngularJS4.0.

AngularJS has helped many renowned and huge traffic websites like Netflix, Google, Gmail, Virgin America, and many others. Based on the MVC model, it is indeed an amazing framework for developing single page web applications.

AngularJS can manage AJAX and DOM independently rather than coding them. This is in fact the major advantage of using this framework. Apart from this, AngularJS offers several tools for the developers for delivering modular building blocks by blending the test code. Along with this, the developers attach an HTML page as well with the assistance of several simple tags.

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS can be defined as a structured, open-source JavaScript framework that is used to build dynamic single-page applications. It is basically a web framework that makes use of code templates in order to move ahead with a specific function.

Back in 2009, at Brat Tech LLC, Misko Hevery developed AngularJS. Later, until date, it is maintained by Google.

AngularJS owns a dependency feature and data binding. This saves a huge time from noting long codes. Each of those features is loaded in a browser thereby making it the ultimate server technology.

There is a concrete distinction between a Dynamic Application and a Static document. Thus, the dynamic application generally opts for frameworks and libraries that support web app development.

Simultaneously, the library holds a variety of functions that help certain operations to perform well. AngularJS creates new syntax with the assistance of these directives.

What is the concept of AngularJS?

The AngularJS framework runs on several terminologies in web app development.

1. Modules

A module can be termed as those containers that fetch or hold several parts of a specific application. To be more precise, a module is an array of functions determined in a JavaScript file. To sum up, modules are extremely useful and run appropriately in terms of separating an application into compact and reusable components.

2. Expressions

Expressions in AngularJS are usually denoted with curved brackets. {{ }}. It denotes data binding in HTML. These expressions are attached to the HTML templates. Nevertheless, while supporting the filters, these expressions do not support control flow statements.

3. Directives

The directive stipulates the compiler to associate a behavior with a DOM element and alter it. AngularJS thus has a vast directive namely, ng-app, ng-if, ng-controller, ng-view, etc.

4. Controller

A controller is referred to as a JavaScript object constructor operation. In simpler terms, it controls the entire AngularJS mobile and web applications.

5. Scope

A scope may be defined as an object of JavaScript that behaves as a bridge between the controller and the View. All-inclusive, a scope is the prime source of data in AngularJS. Each of the assignments and data manipulations occurs because of the scope object.

6. Validations

With the assistance of AngularJS forms and controls, validation takes place.

7. Data binding

Data binding correlates to view and model any alterations taking place in both.

8. Services

Services are referred to as the singletons that are extensively utilized by directives, controllers, and many other services.

9. Filters

Filters permit you to exhibit data formatting on DOM. Furthermore, it expands the behavior of directives and binding expressions as well. The role of these filters is to basically format the entire value and bid them particularly.

10. Dependency injection

Dependency injection is an outlined pattern that is practiced to hold and manage dependencies of a variety of components of the software. Additionally, it grants the development of loosely-structured architecture.

11. Routing

The service of $routeProvider handles each of the operations of Routing. It effectively separates the map into several views. With the help of Routing, you can split the single-page applications into distinct views.

12. Testing

The code generated by the Dependency Injection gets inspected by this. However, few known testing frameworks are Karma and Jasmine. Generally, these are the two testing frameworks that are extensively used by AngularJS developers.

Merits of AngularJS

  • AngularJS is extremely easy and reliable to use. It is very simple to work and learn about AngularJS. With uncomplicated modifications, you can avail the advantages of AngularJS in no time.
  • AngularJS grants two-way data binding, qualifying view and model to correlate with the alterations occurring among one another.
  • The developers that use AngularJS, do not need to go with observable purposes. AngularJS automatically studies the DOM and generates the binding based on AngularJS-specific element attributes. This saves a huge time for the developers from writing lengthy codes.
  • Most of the frameworks demand the developer to separate the application into several tiny components or MVC components. Later, they would write codes for attaching these components. However, AngularJS has the ability to solve this issue as it merges the components automatically.

Demerits of AngularJS

Each component on earth has several advantages and disadvantages to offer. No component on earth has zero disadvantages. Similarly, AngularJS is an amazing framework but it too has some disadvantages. Few include,

  • Insecurity: The AngularJS applications are usually not safe and secure. Thus, these applications demand server-side authentication.
  • In case the application user defuses the JavaScript, nothing is visible in the application except for the basic page.
  • At times, AngularJS becomes quite complicated to manage. This is because of the multiple ways that can be used to perform a particular task. As a result, developers end in confusion. This is why it needs huge efforts to handle a task.

What does the research say?

Although AngularJS renders super fast and outstanding performance by default, it possesses some problems. While designing realistic and complicated applications, a developer may come across several problems that can hamper the performance of an application.

The reason behind this may be many. But, one of the main problems can be that the developers are not adopting the best practices.
As a consequence, it calls for optimizing AngularJS that can handle the threats that obstruct its performance.

As a result, AngularJS needs a few tips and tools to enhance its performance. Being one of the most widely used web application frameworks, the popularity is constantly growing after the latest version of AngularJS. (AngularJS 4.0)

Even though AngularJS holds too many optimizations, with time, developers are experiencing several issues that directly throw an impact on the performance of AngularJS.

Today, many online businesses are hugely affected by the functioning and potential of web technologies that are utilized for their projects. This is why it becomes significant to dig out each factor that blocks the growth of a business.

In addition to that, let us not forget that there are several cases where AngularJS is used in an incorrect method. This is what restricts the application to stand in the market. This is when an AngularJS development expert must consider optimization of AngularJS.

Recently, according to a survey by Brazilian computer scientists, they have found interesting facts that act as a roadblock to the performance of AngularJS. Although there are no shreds of evidence and information regarding the performance of AngularJS in real, few studies have provided some pieces of confirmation for it.

According to the survey, the result is as follows.

  • 45% of developers voted to fix the source code problem affecting the performance.
  • 8% acknowledge making a change.
  • Some respondents blamed the architecture of AngularJS for its poor performance.
  • Some claimed the redundant two way-binding.

With this, it’s time to delve into the major part of this guide. Below are 19 ways with which you can improve or optimize the performance of your AngularJS.

19 Tips To Enhance AngularJS Performance

There are several built-in tools for optimizing AngularJS, but the issue of performance still pricks in the framework. If you do not have a gigantic infrastructure similar to Google while you work with AngularJS, this is when you should incorporate several preventive measures to optimize and boost the performance.

1. Observe your digest cycle

One of the best indicators of AngularJS is the digest cycle. It is a cycle that operates on a loop for checking and charging the alterations in the variables. Thus, the shorter the digest cycle, the faster your application runs.

Observing your digest cycle will elevate the performance of the application and render fine results from the customers. A well-performed application will eventually appeal to more users and create hype in the market.

2. Seek your watchers

Incorporating data binding any time will allow you to create more $$watchers and $scopes. This will further expand the digest cycle as well. However, the more $$watchers you have, the more your lag time increases. Thus, mind the limited usage of them and avoid using them much.

Pro tip: prevent long digest cycles and limit your watchers.

3. Restricted DOM access

DOM Access is usually very expensive. This is why it is recommended to keep the DOM tree small. If possible, never modify or make alterations in the DOM. Restricted DOM Access can boost AngularJS performance and lessen the expenses as well.

4. Make use of ‘scope.$evalAsync’

While you make an effort to activate the digest cycle when it is already running, you are going to experience an error. However, to avert this problem, you can use ‘scope.$evalAsync’ in place of $apply. This will start the digest cycle manually. This particular code lines up the operation to be accomplished by the end of the current cycle without the need to set off the current one. This will save you from experiencing errors and extend the lag time of the digest cycle.

5. Utilize Chrome DevTools

You can find bottleneck situations with both Chrome’s DevTools Profiler and Timeline and execute a guide to enhance efforts. Both of these tools work amazingly to improve the AngularJS application.

These Chrome Developer tools are in-built in the browser. This supplies access to the web applications and the browsers to achieve deep access. Furthermore, with the help of these tools, developers can carry on with several tasks.

6. Make use of Lodash

The role of a Lodash tool in AngularJS is to allow developers to write the logic of the application quickly to improve the in-built AngularJS methods. It also intensifies the performance of the application. However, in case the Lodash tool is not present in the web application, the developers can create it. The developers can rewrite the entire method on their own with the help of JavaScript.

This tool, therefore, authorizes the developers to enhance AngularJS performance and is regarded as an effective tool as well.

7. Deactivate Comment Directives and CSS Class

While the developer creates a directive, they can allocate it to be utilized as an element, comment, attribute, or CSS class. However, if you don’t need CSS Class or comment directives, it can deactivate them to optimize the AngularJS performance.

8. Use one-time binding

In the recent version of AngularJS, this feature is not implemented. However, if you use the prior versions, then you can access the one-time binding advantage. To implement this feature, attach a double colon before the value. If done accurately, the value gets resolved and disappears from the list of watchers.

Note: this feature was initially implemented in the first version of AngularJS. (AngularJS 1.3)

9. Deactivate data debugging

The Protractor and the Batarang tools rely on the scopes and data binding by which the AngularJS fastens to the DOM Elements. Thus, make sure you disable the remaining extra data after completing debugging so that it does not affect the performance of the application. Disabling the data debugging enhances the performance of AngularJS.

10. Restrain using ‘ng-repeat’

Excessive use of the ‘ng-repeat’ directive can throw a major and drastic performance in the web application. However, to lessen the effects, make use of alternatives. For instance, to render the global navigation, the developers can use ‘$interpolate’ instead of ‘ng-repeat’. It is a sort of provider to help the template from an object ahead of converting it into a DOM node.

11. Instead of ‘ng-show’, use ‘ng-if’ and ‘ng-switch’

‘ng-show’ is such a directive that toggles the CSS display on or off for a particular element.

To remove a particular element from DOM, developers can use ‘ng-switch’ or ‘ng-if’. These directives work brilliantly to enhance the performance of AngularJS.

12. Utilize ‘$cacheFactory’

In case you wish to store data that you might require after a certain period, then go for the ‘$cacheFactory’ directive.

13. Utilize ‘console.time’

While you face issues while debugging, the ‘console.time’ tool can be an amazing option. Available in the Chrome DevTools, it is a wonderful tool to calculate the implementation time and several other performance benchmarks.

It is an excellent tool to manage all those issues that a developer faces while debugging.

14. Opt for $filter

During the digest cycle in a web application, the AngularJS development executes the DOM filter twice. In the foremost DOM filter run, it spots the changes. In the second run, it updates the altered values. However, to save time during the whole process, this $filter provider grants pre-process data prior to sending it to the View. Later, it skips the process of DOM parsing as well.

15. Utilize ‘$watchCollection’

Only two parameters are the supreme choice while you use ‘$watchCollection’. However, if you use 3 or more than 3, it becomes a crowd. While you add a 3rd parameter, AngularJS requires a thorough check.

The developers can implement ‘$watchCollection’ to do an excellent job. It plays the role of a third parameter for ‘$watch’.

16. Try Debouncing the ‘ng-model’

With the use of the ‘ng-model’, debouncing inputs have a major role to play in restricting the digest cycle. By limiting the digest cycle, you can improve the performance of your AngularJS.

17. Stiff scoping

Make sure you place each of your variables scoped tightly and rigidly. With the help of this, the garbage collectors of the JavaScript will eliminate a lot of memory that is being consumed uselessly. This will eventually fasten the process thereby improving the speed of the application.

It is thus a very usual and common way to optimize the functioning of your AngularJS.

18. Pagination or infinite scrolling

To be very clear and precise, when each of the optimization strategies fails, this strategy works brilliantly thereby delivering the best results. This method is an effective trick to boost the functioning of your application. You can reduce the number of looped elements by incorporating the Pagination or Infinite Scrolling strategy.

To help serve this trick, AngularJS has a separate directive known as the ‘ngInfiniteScroll’.

19. Make use of Pure Pipes

AngularJS makes use of certain pipes for displaying the model values in a slightly distinct format. The role of a Pipe is to slice and dice the entire data for the purpose of display. Furthermore, these Pipes are divided into two parts.

  • Impure Pipe
  • Pure Pipe

The main difference between the two is that the Impure Pipe has the ability to deliver several outputs with time for the same input. On the other hand, Pure Pipe refers to a function that has the ability to generate alike output for alike input data.

With this, you must know that AngularJS owns several inbuilt pipes. Each of these pipes is, however, pure in nature.

Testing tools for AngularJS Performance:

It is always best to adopt those practices from the initial phase instead of implementing the alterations later on. Thus, below are 4 testing tools that help to boost AngularJS performance.

1. Protractor

Protractor is a superb automated AngularJS testing tool. This tool has been developed by the AngularJS team. It is built with a blend of brilliant technologies including Jasmine, NodeJS, webDriver, Mocha, Selenium, and Cucumber.

It grants the running of automated testing in a hassle-free manner. The combination of these superb technologies has boosted all its features. With the help of this, developers can utilize the Selenium grid feature to generate on several browsers. By Jasmine and Mocha, developers can write their own test suites.

2. GulpJS

It is used for the streaming build system, programming repetitive tasks, linting JavaScript with the use of eslint or jshint.

3. Testing Whizz

Being one of the most user-friendly automation testing tools, it uses a codeless scripting feature. It is the best end-to-end testing tool for AngularJS performance. The codeless feature is what makes it stand apart from the rest of the tools.

4. WebDriverIO

WebDriverIO permits you to control and handle a mobile application or a browser with hardly any lines of code. It gives a simple and concise look to the test code. This integrated test runner tool grants the developers to write asynchronous commands synchronously. This is why the developers do not require to care about the ignoring of racing circumstances.

Wrap up

With the end of this guide, you now know that the world of web development is going to undergo a huge update in the JavaScript framework. Moreover, as new JavaScript comes into being, the web development scenario changes.

Therefore, being a developer, for gaining the maximum advantages out of these frameworks, you must practice regular optimization of these applications for enjoying the better performance. Implementing the above tips will increase and boost the performance of your AngularJS.

Once you optimize AngularJS performance, you can gain more with less coding! At ZydeSoft, we have highly dedicated and skilled AngularJS developers. Hire Angular developers from us who build intuitive and scalable apps for your business.

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